
  • エリアを選択




  • 職種を選択



  1. 日本語を使って働きたい人のための求人サイト
  2. その他 で仕事を探す
  3. Cost Accountant - Printing/ Packaging

Cost Accountant - Printing/ Packaging

400 〜 700 USD

  • RGFタレントソリューションズ株式会社
  • 勤務地: その他
  • 日本語レベル:学習中or話せない │実務経験:未分類
  • 掲載終了


職種 専門職(コンサルタント、金融、不動産、専門サービス)/コンサルタント
業種 その他/
雇用形態 未分類
ポジションレベル その他
募集人数 1名
希望入社時期 -

英語 (日常会話レベル)

活かせる語学 -
勤務時間 その他


<Job Responsibilities>
- Enter Issue Slip, Return Slip into Excel, check Issue Slip, Return Slip on ERP system
+ Receiving and checking documents Issue- Return from WH department
+ Checking quantity of inventory issuing requests with actual quantity (on ERP)
- Check issue, release of inventory between Bp ACC and Inventory data Bp WH, Excel and ERP
+ Attaching code of Acc Department into inventories report (Paper , Flute- Metalized- Bopp- Foil
+ Checking the ERP Code on the Inventory Report and the ERP Code on the Paper-Flute-Metalized - Bopp-Foil ACC records. File NXT -> Send a related person (processor, Keep Stock, B.O.M
+ Making database of inventories at factory
- Make Issue - Return Pack and Book to make BOM Pack and Costing Book data. Make the cost file
+ Checking and closing database of inventories report from Excel, make file Issue A-B-C, check Seeget code and enter data into Seeget
+ Running average price on software of Seeget. Download inventories database from Seeget software
+ Tracking database of issue and GRN from Seeget with Excel data. Track Excel-Seeget
+ Downloading data to make file 621of Pack-Book. Send to related person
+ Checking cost and download database of cost into file, send to related person
- Make a report on price of the Pack
+ Attaching FG Code of reported month with previous month and transfer beginning database.
+ Getting WiP- FG data at the end of month according to group reporting criteria
+ Transferring month Issue into File C.O.G, attach Code of FGs and WIPs to Issue- Return. Classify raw material according to deploying of BOD
+ Approving report of C.O.G of Pack compared with file of Actcost and Profit of Costing team
- Calculate prices for Book products
+ Collecting data and information from production department, warehouse, development research compared to sales and sales order. Recalculating WIPs and processing cost to created per product. Make some reports to find out causes affecting company production. Report Estimate compared to actual report
+ Calcualating processing cost and raw material cost
- Make a report of Actual- BOM- Astimator of Pack product
- Enter into FGs in Actcost
- Set up Wips in Actcost
- Collate issue, release, and inventory between accounting data and Inventory data of WH and ERP
- Check MS and calculate B.O.M, Make report of Actcost
- Make a report of B.O.M sale- Estimator Pack product

<Necessary Skill / Experience >
- Qualifications: Bachelor (Major in Accounting - Auditing)
- Language Skill: English (Can read, understand and write English report, do not need to speak English well)
- Age: 25 - 35
- Gender: Any
- Experience: 3 - 5 year experience as a Cost Accountant ( prefer 5 year experience)
- Computer skills: Very excellent, especially Excel

<Preferable Skill / Experience>
- Prefer candidates who live in Dong Nai



ベトナムその他Vietnam - Dong Nai 地図


Cost Accountant - Printing/ Packaging


400 〜 700 USD



RGFタレントソリューションズ株式会社Cost Accountant - Printing/ Packaging RGFタレントソリューションズ株式会社Cost Accountant - Printing/ Packaging


人材、教育、コンサル、専門サービス /人材紹介、求人広告

RGF Professional Recruitment Japanは、日本最大規模の人材総合サービスカンパニー リクルートの海外展開ブランドにおける人材紹介部門の日本拠点です。日本国内でビジネスを展開する外資系企業並びにグローバル企業様を中心に、幅広いレベルのバイリンガル人材をご紹介しています。リクルートブランドとアジアの主要都市を網羅するRGFのネットワークを活かし、転職を希望される方、クライアント企業様双方にとって最適なサービスをご提供いたします。

RGF Professional Recruitment Japanの事業領域

RGF Professional Recruitment Japanはジュニアレベルからマネジメントレベルを中心に、すべての業種、職種の案件を取り扱っています。また、8,000,000を超える業界屈指の人材データベースから、大手外資系企業、グローバル企業に対して業界トップレベルの人材をご紹介することが可能です。

東京都品川区大崎2-1-1 ThinkPark tower 6階






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