
  • エリアを選択




  • 職種を選択



  1. 日本語を使って働きたい人のための求人サイト
  2. ホーチミン で仕事を探す
  3. - SHE Engineer - Energy

- SHE Engineer - Energy

0 〜 0 USD

  • RGFタレントソリューションズ株式会社
  • 勤務地: ホーチミン
  • 日本語レベル:学習中or話せない │実務経験:未分類


職種 技術職(販売、設計、開発、生産管理)/開発、研究、実験、プロジェクトマネージャー
業種 その他/
雇用形態 未分類
ポジションレベル その他
募集人数 1名
希望入社時期 -

英語 (ビジネスレベル)

活かせる語学 -
勤務時間 その他


<Job Responsibilities>
1. SHE Reporting
+ Gather SHE performance data and generate the SHE performance report for internal use and external reporting to stakeholders including local authorities
+ Monitor SHE performance (KPI) and generate internal and external reporting as required.
+ Liaise with other departments (Operations, Drilling, BU, etc.) to ensure that reports required by SHE are prepared in a timely manner.
+ Maintain and/or modify the SHE data collection system to ensure accuracy and completeness.
+ Compile statistical information for SHE Leader as requested
2. Implementation of the SHE plan
+ Responsible for ensuring appropriate tracking and evaluation of SHE compliance assurance activities and information.
+ Coordinate the internal and external Contractor SHE audits hosted by the Company including notification, logistics, etc.
+ Progress PO for SHE-related activities including contract established in agreement with the procurement team.
+ Assist SHE Leader/ Senior Environmental Specialist on the GHG emission inventory & mitigation plan.
+ Prepare the SHE documents for development and appraisal activities e.g. perforation, appraisal drilling, etc.
+ Coordinate the Emergency Management Team (EMT) handover, and weekly duty list and monitor of EMT duty roster.
+ Coordinate the emergency response exercise, and drill.
+ Coordinate SHE training including sourcing training registration, training provider, training facilities, communicating with participants, etc. following an approved training plan, as well as identifying the training needs & expectations from relevant departments in the Company.
+ Work with SHE staff to coordinate occupational safety and health-related tasks
+ Update and process documents as needed.
+ Facilitate SHE event registration and execution e.g. SHE award, SHE day, SHE workshop, etc.
3. SHE records retention
+ Record, document, and publish meeting minutes.
+ Develop and maintain SHE inventory system including filing and monitoring training matrix and refresher training.
+ Prepare and maintain SHE records/registers
+ Follow up/track the level of accomplishment of action items derived from agreed action plans between SHE and other departments.
- Serve as an Emergency Response Management Team (EMT) member and assist with facility emergencies and drills.

<Necessary Skill / Experience >
- Education Background: Bachelor’s Degree or higher, major in Environmental Science, Natural Resource Management, Environment Engineering,…
- Language: English – Business Level
- Experience:
+ Having from 3 to 5 years of experience working as a SHE Engineer
+ State and local safety, health, and environmental laws and regulations for offshore O&G.
+ Ability to analyze and synthesize diverse qualitative and quantitative SHE data and information.
+ Good team player who can work as a member of a multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural team.
+ Good knowledge and understanding of O&G business.



ベトナムホーチミン 地図


- SHE Engineer - Energy


0 〜 0 USD


RGFタレントソリューションズ株式会社 - SHE Engineer - Energy RGFタレントソリューションズ株式会社 - SHE Engineer - Energy


人材、教育、コンサル、専門サービス /人材紹介、求人広告

RGF Professional Recruitment Japanは、日本最大規模の人材総合サービスカンパニー リクルートの海外展開ブランドにおける人材紹介部門の日本拠点です。日本国内でビジネスを展開する外資系企業並びにグローバル企業様を中心に、幅広いレベルのバイリンガル人材をご紹介しています。リクルートブランドとアジアの主要都市を網羅するRGFのネットワークを活かし、転職を希望される方、クライアント企業様双方にとって最適なサービスをご提供いたします。

RGF Professional Recruitment Japanの事業領域

RGF Professional Recruitment Japanはジュニアレベルからマネジメントレベルを中心に、すべての業種、職種の案件を取り扱っています。また、8,000,000を超える業界屈指の人材データベースから、大手外資系企業、グローバル企業に対して業界トップレベルの人材をご紹介することが可能です。

東京都品川区大崎2-1-1 ThinkPark tower 6階






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