
  • エリアを選択




  • 職種を選択



  1. 日本語を使って働きたい人のための求人サイト
  2. ダナン で仕事を探す
  3. Senior React Native Developer - Software

Senior React Native Developer - Software

0 〜 0 USD

  • RGFタレントソリューションズ株式会社
  • 勤務地: ダナン
  • 日本語レベル:学習中or話せない │実務経験:未分類
  • 掲載終了


職種 ITエンジニア(SE、Web、ゲーム)/SE(上流工程、セールス)
業種 その他/
雇用形態 未分類
ポジションレベル その他
募集人数 1名
希望入社時期 -

英語 (ビジネスレベル)

活かせる語学 -
勤務時間 その他


<Job Responsibilities>
- Build pixel-perfect, buttery-smooth UIs across both mobile platforms.
- Leverage native APIs for deep integrations with both platforms.
- Diagnose and fix bugs and performance bottlenecks for performance that feels native.
- Maintain code and write automated tests to ensure the product is of the highest quality.
- Transition existing React web apps to React Native.
- Build apps and websites that are extremely sensitive.
- Retain easily understandable code.
- Create automation checks to make it easier to test the software.
- Use native APIs for tight integration through all frameworks.
- Use React Native to create new user-facing functionality.
- Create interchangeable front-end modules and repositories for potential use.
- Create high-quality programming from prototypes and wireframes
- Architect, build and maintain excellent React Native applications with clean code.
- Implement clean, modern, smooth animations and transitions that provide an excellent user experience.
- Assist with building estimates.
- Interface with clients via Slack, Zoom, and email.
- Work with modern tools including Jira, Slack, GitHub, Google Docs, etc.
- Be part of a community of React Native developers who share knowledge and help each other as problems arise.
- Set continuous delivery and continuous improvement in front-end development, developing scalable, reusable components and front-end libraries,
- Willingness to take part in on-call Production Support roster

<Necessary Skill / Experience >
・Education Background: Bachelor’s degree in computer science, engineering, or a related field.
・Language Skills: English - Business Level.
- 5 years of experience in Frontend development using React.js/React Native.
- 10 years of experience in senior front-end development with JavaScript and TypeScript language and its nuances, including ES6+ syntax.
- Industries experience: Insurance / Financial / Banking.
- Experience working with Swift, Objective C, and Java.
- Familiarity with native build tools, like XCode, Android Studio.
- Understanding of REST APIs, the document request model, and offline storage.
- Experience bridging between iOS and Android native modules and React Native.
- CI/CD experience.
- SQL/NoSQL database experience.
- Solid understanding of object-oriented programming.
- Experience working on Agile/Scrum projects.
- Familiarity with Git version control.
- Flexibility and deadline-driven.

・Job Skills:
- Should have the ability to build unique design solutions that will surprise and delight clients
- Possess the skills to clearly articulate concepts to clients, account, and other creative team members
- Possess the ability to meet overlapping deadlines in a fast-paced working environment without substituting quality or accuracy
- Possess the skills to perceive how role will fit into the strategic objectives of the company and always communicate well with colleagues
- Must have the ability to resolve complex communication issues
- Must display professionalism and be able to relate well with all levels



ベトナムダナン 地図


Senior React Native Developer - Software


0 〜 0 USD



RGFタレントソリューションズ株式会社Senior React Native Developer - Software RGFタレントソリューションズ株式会社Senior React Native Developer - Software


人材、教育、コンサル、専門サービス /人材紹介、求人広告

RGF Professional Recruitment Japanは、日本最大規模の人材総合サービスカンパニー リクルートの海外展開ブランドにおける人材紹介部門の日本拠点です。日本国内でビジネスを展開する外資系企業並びにグローバル企業様を中心に、幅広いレベルのバイリンガル人材をご紹介しています。リクルートブランドとアジアの主要都市を網羅するRGFのネットワークを活かし、転職を希望される方、クライアント企業様双方にとって最適なサービスをご提供いたします。

RGF Professional Recruitment Japanの事業領域

RGF Professional Recruitment Japanはジュニアレベルからマネジメントレベルを中心に、すべての業種、職種の案件を取り扱っています。また、8,000,000を超える業界屈指の人材データベースから、大手外資系企業、グローバル企業に対して業界トップレベルの人材をご紹介することが可能です。

東京都品川区大崎2-1-1 ThinkPark tower 6階






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