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Đăng tin tuyển dụng

  1. Tuyển dụng tiếng Nhật ở Trung Quốc
EIDSON GLOBAL CO., LTD.views.seo_company_img_alt EIDSON GLOBAL CO., LTD.views.seo_company_img_alt


Hóa học, Nguyên vật liệu /Các ngành hóa học, nguyên vật liệu khác
Hóa học, Nguyên vật liệu /Cao su, Nhựa, Nhựa dẻo

Lĩnh vực hoạt động


By heavily investing from several pioneers in chemical field in Taiwan, Eidson Global Co., Ltd. finally established in Vietnam in December of the year 2016 in order to service potential customers in this developing country. These pioneers include Mr. White, the chairman of Chain Fong, elites from financial circle, and world famous consultants in business administration. They aim at promoting the best quality chemical products to markets in different areas through Eidson as an easy and highly visible platform. 


Eidson Global Co., Ltd. is a Vietnam based trading company for chemicals and headquartered in Ho Chi Minh City. We are specialized in chem-related products with expertise to assist our clients in the use of the products and fix problems that may occur on their applications. Our plenteous portfolio of different fields leads to a wide range of chem-related products and solutions to clients in different countries. Our goal is to offer best-quality products with timely after-sales services to meet requirements of our clients. 

for more information, please visit our company website at http://www.eidson.com.vn/


Khái quát công ty

Địa chỉ Fl 2, Tan Thuan Admin Building, Tan Thuan EPZ, Tan Thuan Dong Ward, District 7
URL http://www.eidson.com.vn
Công ty mẹ CHAIN FONG CO., LTD.
Ngày thành lập 2016/12

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