
  • エリアを選択




  • 職種を選択



  1. 日本語を使って働きたい人のための求人サイト
  2. ホーチミン で仕事を探す
  3. Japanese Speaking - Associate - Law Firm | Luật sư - Văn phòng luật

Japanese Speaking - Associate - Law Firm | Luật sư - Văn phòng luật

0 〜 0 USD

  • RGFタレントソリューションズ株式会社
  • 勤務地: ホーチミン
  • 日本語レベル:学習中or話せない │実務経験:未分類
  • 掲載終了


職種 専門職(コンサルタント、金融、不動産、専門サービス)/コンサルタント
業種 その他/
雇用形態 未分類
ポジションレベル その他
募集人数 1名
希望入社時期 -

英語 (ビジネスレベル)

活かせる語学 -
勤務時間 その他


<Job Responsibilities>
- Provide legal advice to local and foreign businesses on all aspects of Vietnam law;
- Conducted and managed the legal due diligence investigation for the proposed acquisition of shares/capital contribution in various specific industries.
- Draft / Review memorandum of understanding, shares sale and purchase agreement, capital assignment agreement, capital subscription agreement, asset sale and purchase agreement, shareholders’ agreement/members’ agreement corresponding to the structure of acquisition, and other transaction agreements with similar effect to being entered into between the seller and the buyer in relation to the proposed transaction; Attend the negotiation process on contractual terms and conditions.
- Advise all legal matters related to foreign investment in Vietnam in all industries as demanded by the clients (establishment of a business organization; capital contribution or purchase of shares; execution of an investment project; or business cooperation contract) and manage legal procedures in accordance with the laws (investment policy, M&A Approval, shareholder information certificate, amendment/issuance of IRC, ERC, sub-license, permit, approval, etc.);
- Advise on legal matters of business lines for foreign-invested companies and conduct the procedure for obtaining the business license for conditional business lines applicable to foreign-invested companies and any other sub-licenses related to the business of such companies in Vietnam;
- Advise and analyze dispute cases related to contractual rights and obligations, infringement of intellectual property rights, etc. Deal with the opponent’s side to reach an agreement under the client’s benefits and rights. Assist and support the local law firms for any procedures presented at the court.
- Handle all matters of retainers arising from their day-to-day business operation.
- Supervise/ manage projects and ensure projects are delivered on time/budget, meeting client expectations.
- Develop/ manage client relations as well as win client works; and
- Provide training to the junior lawyers/paralegals.

<Essential Requirements>
+ Qualification/Certificate: Bachelor's degree in Law
+ Female Preferred
+ Be qualified as a Vietnamese lawyer.
+ Language Skills: English - Business Level
+ Experience:
- Have at least 5 years PQE (Post Qualification Experience) for the Associate role.
- Have previous experience working at international or leading domestic law firms.
- Have extensive experience in drafting/ reviewing general corporate and commercial contracts, joint venture agreements, employment contracts, and mergers & acquisitions matters, lease agreements, loan agreements, license agreements, etc.
- Corporate experience involving cross-border transactions.
- Strong technical, client relationship, and commercial skills.

+ Others:
- Able to work independently, but also able to work as part of a bigger team and supervise more junior lawyers.
- Able to manage workload, control pressure, and handle multi-tasks.
- Work in an organized and methodical manner.



ベトナムホーチミン 地図


Japanese Speaking - Associate - Law Firm | Luật sư - Văn phòng luật


0 〜 0 USD



RGFタレントソリューションズ株式会社Japanese Speaking - Associate - Law Firm | Luật sư - Văn phòng luật RGFタレントソリューションズ株式会社Japanese Speaking - Associate - Law Firm | Luật sư - Văn phòng luật


人材、教育、コンサル、専門サービス /人材紹介、求人広告

RGF Professional Recruitment Japanは、日本最大規模の人材総合サービスカンパニー リクルートの海外展開ブランドにおける人材紹介部門の日本拠点です。日本国内でビジネスを展開する外資系企業並びにグローバル企業様を中心に、幅広いレベルのバイリンガル人材をご紹介しています。リクルートブランドとアジアの主要都市を網羅するRGFのネットワークを活かし、転職を希望される方、クライアント企業様双方にとって最適なサービスをご提供いたします。

RGF Professional Recruitment Japanの事業領域

RGF Professional Recruitment Japanはジュニアレベルからマネジメントレベルを中心に、すべての業種、職種の案件を取り扱っています。また、8,000,000を超える業界屈指の人材データベースから、大手外資系企業、グローバル企業に対して業界トップレベルの人材をご紹介することが可能です。

東京都品川区大崎2-1-1 ThinkPark tower 6階






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