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  1. Tuyển dụng tiếng Nhật ở Trung Quốc
  2. FPT Software Đà Nẵng
FPT Software Đà Nẵngviews.seo_company_img_alt FPT Software Đà Nẵngviews.seo_company_img_alt

FPT Software Đà Nẵng

IT, Truyền thông, Internet /Tổng hợp, Dịch vụ IT
Ngành khác /Ngành khác
Nhân lực, Giáo dục, Tư vấn, Dịch vụ chuyên môn /Công ty outsourcing, Công ty BPO

Lĩnh vực hoạt động

After overcoming the difficult early years of software exports, FSO confidently attempted to open more branches to tap the country’s IT resources. The idea to open a branch in the Central came quite early, but Danang for the FPT remains a mystery. Compared with a branch in HCM opened early 2004, FSO was present and worked in HCM from much earlier and FPT themselves in HCM also available from the ’90s, yet Danang was still unexplored. In August, 2004, Mr. CanhBT joined FPT to open a branch in Danang and put their resolve to build the basis of FSO here.

Responsibility in preparation for opening in Da Nang was delivered to him. It was hard to convince people – from staffs to suppliers, customers – to believe in the future and willing to progress, tell just one small story. The number is one of the leaders of the FSO – Mr. Hung – also expressed doubts about the success in Danang. He told Mr. Canh – “People do not export software in the Central“. Fortunately, Mr. Canh debated with expert reasoning: Canh himself was from the Central. “Seems unbelievable, but it really is the mentality of many people at that time, I myself when exposed to a leader of Danang in 2006 also encountered similar situations.” This leader, upon knowing we make software has hesitated a moment, then asked, “Do you really see people make software in Danang?“. I was very surprised and asked to clarify, she explained: “The previous few software companies here as well as our program, but we could not use the program.

Khái quát công ty

Địa chỉ Tòa nhà FPT, khu công nghiệp An Đồn, quận Sơn Trà, TP Đà Nẵng
Công ty mẹ FPT Software

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